Tag: lesbian art
Lesbian Witches
Media: Procreate Oh to be a lesbian witch hanging out in the pastel kitchen of your house with your witchy girlfriend and your many…many odd cats. This piece was definitely me having fun putting little details into the piece and playing around with drawing interiors.Which…
Devilman Grassbaby
Media: Procreate I keep coming back to Devilman Crybaby to draw fix the ending art. It hurt my soul.
Mermaid and Pirate
Media: Pencil Sketch digitally painted with Procreate Took a sketch of a cute chubby mermaid I found in my files from high school and made it more gay… as you do.
we’re greek, we practically invented the gay
Media: ProcreateAn entirely self indulgent piece, the phrase was my Dad’s response when I asked him if my lesbian butt would be allowed to go to Greek Church for Easter after coming out.